Новый Палгрейв: словарь по экономике
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Место издания
Palgrave Macmillan
Год издания
1987, 1989, 1991
Дж. Итуэлл , М. Милгейт [англ.] , П. Ньюмен [англ.] , В. С. Автономов , Н. А. Макашева , Р. М. Этнов
Автор предисловия
Дж. Итуэлл, М. Милгейт, П. Ньюмен, Н. А. Макашева
Инфра-М , Издательский дом ГУ ВШЭ
Год издания
2004 , 2008 , 2009
5-16-001750-X, 978-5-7598-0500-7, 978-5-7598-0588-5
Новый Палгрейв: словарь по экономике (англ. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics ) — экономическая энциклопедия , ежеквартально обновляемый справочник экономических статей (на конец 2010 года в нём 1919 статей). В качестве сборника статей по различным разделам экономической науки является пособием для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей экономических специальностей. Третье издание вышло в 2018 году.
История издания
Исторически, первое издание «Словаря политэкономической теории» было опубликовано под редакцией Инглиса Палгрева в трёх томах в 1894, 1896, 1899 годах. Первое издание содержало 2410 страниц[ 1] .
Второе издание было издано под редакцией Г. Хиггса [англ.] в 1923—1926 годах[ 2] .
Третье издание получило название «Новый Палгрейв: словарь по экономике» и было издано под редакцией Дж. Итуэлла , М. Милгейта [англ.] , П. Ньюмена [англ.] в 1987 году в 4 томах[ 3] . Издание имело 4 миллионов слов, 4000 страниц записей, в том числе 1300 статей (с 4000 перекрестными ссылками), и 655 биографиями. Всего авторов было 927, в том числе 13 лауреатов Нобелевской премии по экономике .
Второе издание «Новый Палгрейв: словарь по экономике» под редакцией Стивена Дурлофа [англ.] и Лоуренса Э. Блюма [англ.] было опубликовано в 2008 году уже в 8 томах. Издание состояло из 7680 страниц, 5,8 миллионов слов, в нём принимало участие 1506 авторов, в том числе 25 лауреатов Нобелевской премии по экономике [ 4] .
Издательством «Palgrave Macmillan » была создана серия компактных томов, содержащих перепечатки из исходного издания «Новый Палгрейв: словарь по экономике» (1987 года). Первый том «The World of Economics» 1987 года был переведён на русский язык и издан издательством «Инфра-М» как «Экономическая теория » в 2004 году. Второй том «Finance» был издан издательством «ГУ-ВШЭ » как «Финансы » в 2008 году. Третий том «The Invisible hand» 1988 года был переведён на русский язык и издан издательством «ГУ-ВШЭ » как «Невидимая рука» рынка » в 2009 году. Остальные тома («Economic Development», «Money», «Utility and Probability», «Game Theory», «Social Economics», «Allocation, Information, and Markets», «Capital Theory», «Problems of the Planned Economy», «Time Series & Statistics», «General Equilibrium», «Marxian Economics») не были переведёны.
Издательством «Palgrave Macmillan» была создана онлайн версия «The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Online Edition», которая регулярно обновлялась в 2008—2016 годах.
Третье издание «Новый Палгрейв: словарь по экономике» вышло в свет 5 февраля 2018 года в 20 томах. В нём принимало участие более 1700 авторов, в том числе 36 лауреатов Нобелевской премии по экономике. Издание состояло из 14896 страниц, 231 таблиц, 754 иллюстраций, в т.ч. 108 иллюстраций в цвете, более 3000 отдельных статей по актуальным вопросам, включая гендерную проблематику и экономику, последние экономические кризисы в Европейском Союзе и за его пределами, экономику здравоохранения и экономику Интернета[ 5] .
Содержание The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second edition
Издание «The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second edition» состояло из 1919 статей[ 6] [ 7] .
Том 1
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 1 Abramovitz — collusionразвернуть
Эбботт, Эдит
Абрамовиц, Мозес
absolute and exchangeable value
absolute rent
absorption approach to the balance of payments
поглощающая способность [англ.]
acceleration principle
access to land and development
accounting and economics
adaptive estimation
adaptive expectations
adjustment costs
adverse selection
affine term structure models
affirmative action
agency problems
agent-based models
aggregate demand theory
aggregation (econometrics)
aggregation (production)
aggregation (theory)
agricultural economics
agricultural finance
agricultural markets in developing countries
agricultural research
agriculture and economic development
airline industry
Айягари, Рао [англ.]
Акерлоф, Джордж
Альберт Великий
Алчиан, Армен Альберт
Алле, Морис
Парадокс Алле
Аллен, Рой
altruism, history of the concept
altruism in experiments
ambiguity and ambiguity aversion
Американская экономическая ассоциация
American exceptionalism
analogy and metaphor
Андерсон, Оскар Николаевич
Андо, Альберт
animal spirits
anthropometric history
anti-discrimination law
anti-poverty programmes in the United States
antitrust enforcement
Antonelli, Giovanni Battista (1858–1944)
approximate solutions to dynamic models (linear methods)
Фома Аквинский
Арбитраж (экономика)
Теория арбитражного ценообразования
ARCH models
arms races
arms trade
Арндт, Хайнц [англ.]
Модель Эрроу — Дебрё
Эрроу, Кеннет Джозеф
Теорема Эрроу
art, economics of
Искусственная нейронная сеть
artificial regressions
assets and liabilities
assortative matching
assumptions controversy
Асимметричность информации
Эттвуд, Томас (политик)
auctions (applications)
auctions (empirics)
auctions (experiments)
auctions (theory)
Ауман, Роберт
Aupetit, Albert (1876–1943)
Ауспиц, Рудольф
Australasia, economics in
Austrian economics
Эффект Аверча — Джонсона [англ.]
Эйрс, Кларенс
Башелье, Луи
Бэджет, Уолтер
Бейли, Сэмюэл
Бэйн, Джо
Bairoch, Paul (1930–1999)
balanced growth
Балашша, Бела
bandit problems
Банк Англии
banking crises
banking industry
Banking School, Currency School, Free
Banking School
bankruptcy, economics of
bankruptcy law, economics of corporate and personal
Banks, Jeffrey Scot (1958–2000)
Баран, Пол
Барбон, Николас
Бароне, Энрико
barriers to entry
barter in transition
Barton, John (1789–1852)
Бастиа, Фредерик
Baudeau, Nicolas (1730–c1792)
Bauer, Peter Thomas (1915–2002)
Байес, Томас
Bayesian econometrics
Bayesian methods in macroeconometrics
Bayesian nonparametrics
Bayesian statistics
Bayesian time series analysis
Беккариа, Чезаре
Беккер, Гэри
behavioural economics and game theory
behavioural finance
behavioural game theory
behavioural genetics
behavioural public economics
Уравнение Беллмана
Ben Porath, Yoram (1937–1992)
Бентам, Иеремия
bequests and the life cycle model
Бергсон, Абрам
Берли, Адольф
Bernacer, German (1883–1965)
Бернулли, Даниил
Бернштейн, Эдуард
Модель Бертрана
Бертран, Жозеф Луи Франсуа
Кривая Бевериджа
Беверидж, Уильям
bias correction
biased and unbiased technological change
Bickerdike, Charles Frederick (1876–1961)
Black, Duncan (1908–1991)
Блэк, Фишер
black–white labour market inequality in the United States
Бланки, Жером-Адольф
Боден, Жан
Бём-Баверк, Ойген фон
Буагильбер, Пьер Лепезан
Бондарева, Ольга Николаевна
books, economics of
Borch, Karl H. (1919–1986)
Борда, Жан-Шарль де
border effects
Bouniatian, Mentor (1877–1969)
Боули, Артур
Boyd, Walter (1754–1837)
Брэдфорд, Дейвид [англ.]
Брейди, Дороти
brain drain
Бродель, Фернан
Браверман, Гарри
Брентано, Луйо
Bresciani-Turroni, Costantino (1882–1963)
Бреттон-Вудская система
Джон Брайт
Britain, economics in (20th century)
British classical economics
Brunner, Karl (1916–1989)
Бруно, Михаэль
bubbles in history
Buchanan, James M. (born 1919)
Бюхер, Карл
budget deficits
budget projections
Бухарин, Николай Иванович
bullionist controversies (empirical evidence)
bundling and tying
Бёрнс, Артур
business cycle
business cycle measurement
business networks
Butlin, Noel George (1921–1991)
Кэрнс, Джон Эллиот
calculus of variations
campaign finance, economics of
Canada, economics in
Канар, Николя-Франсуа
Кантильон, Ричард
capital asset pricing model
capital controls
capital gains and losses
capital gains taxation
capital measurement
capital theory
capital theory (paradoxes)
capital utilization
Кэри, Генри Чарлз
Карлейль, Томас
Кассель, Карл Густав
caste system
catastrophic risk
Catchings, Waddill (1879–1967)
categorical data
Catholic economic thought
causality in economics and econometrics
central bank independence
central banking
central limit theorems
Теория центральных мест
certainty equivalence
Функция CES
Ceteris paribus
Чева, Джованни
Чальмерс, Томас
Chamberlin, Edward Hastings (1899–1967)
Champernowne, David Gawen(1912–2000)
chaotic dynamics in economics
charitable giving
cheap talk
chemical industry
Чинери, Холлис
Шевалье, Мишель
Chicago School
Chicago School (new perspectives)
child health and mortality
child labour
Child, Josiah (1630–1699)
China, economics in
Chinese economic reforms
Кристаллер, Вальтер
circular flow
circulating capital
city and economic development
Клэпем, Джон
Кларк, Колин
Кларк, Джон Бейтс
Кларк, Джон Морис
classical distribution theories
classical economics
classical economics and economic growth
classical growth model
classical production theories
classical theory of money
climate change, economics of
Коуз, Рональд
Теорема Коуза
Функция Кобба — Дугласа
Кобден, Ричард
Паутинообразная модель
cognitive ability
Cohen Stuart, Arnold Jacob (1855–1921)
Кольбер, Жан-Батист
collective action
collective action (new perspectives)
collective bargaining
collective choice experiments
collective models of the household
collective rationality
Том 2
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 2 Command economy — epistemic game theoryразвернуть
command economy
commodity fetishism
commodity money
common factors
common knowledge
common property resources
common rights in land
Commons, John Rogers (1862–1945)
community indifference curves
comparative advantage
comparative statics
compensating differentials
compensation principle
competing risks model
competition and selection
competition, Austrian
competition, classical
computation of general equilibria
computation of general equilibria (new developments)
computational methods in econometrics
computer industry
computer science and game theory
computing in mechanism design
concentration measures
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, Abbe´ de Mureau (1714–1780)
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas
Caritat, Marquis de (1743–1794)
conjectural equilibria
conspicuous consumption
constant and variable capital
constitutions, economic approach to
consumer expenditure
consumer expenditure (new developments and the state of research)
consumer surplus
consumption-based asset pricing models (empirical performance)
consumption-based asset pricing models (theory)
consumption externalities
consumption sets
consumption taxation
contemporary capitalism
contestable markets
contingent commodities
contingent valuation
continuous and discrete time models
contract theory
contracting in firms
control functions
convex programming
convict labour
cooperative game theory
cooperative game theory (core)
coordination problems and
core convergence
Corn Laws, free trade and protectionism
corporate governance
corporate law, economic analysis of
correspondence principle
cost–benefit analysis
cost functions
cost minimization and utility maximization
cost-push inflation
countervailing power
Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustave (1813–1892)
Cournot, Antoine Augustin (1801–1877)
Cournot competition
creative destruction
creative destruction (Schumpeterian conception)
credit card industry
credit cycle
credit rationing
crime and the city
cross-cultural experiments
crowding out
cultural transmission
culture and economics
Cunningham, William (1849–1919)
currency boards
currency competition
currency crises
currency crises models
currency unions
Карри, Локлин (1902–1993)
cyclical markups
Dalton, Edward Hugh John Neale (1887–1962)
Dantzig, George B. (1914–2005)
data filters
data mining
Davanzati, Bernardo (1529–1606)
Davenant, Charles (1656–1714)
Davenport, Herbert Joseph (1861–1931)
Давидсон, Давид
Debreu, Gerard (1921–2004)
decision theory
decision theory in econometrics
default and enforcement constraints
defence economics
de Finetti, Bruno (1906–1985)
de-industrialization, ‘premature’
de-industrialization and the Dutch
demand price
demand-pull inflation
demand theory
democratic paradoxes
demographic transition
Denison, Edward (1915–1992)
deposit insurance
derived demand
Destutt De Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude (1754–1836)
determinacy and indeterminacy of equilibria
deterministic evolutionary dynamics
deterrence (empirical), economic analyses of
deterrence (theory), economics of
development accounting
development economics
dialectical reasoning
Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos (1937–1985)
Dickinson, Henry Douglas (1899–1969)
Dietzel, Heinrich (1857–1935)
difference-in-difference estimators
diffusion of agricultural technology
diffusion of technology
directly unproductive profit-seeking (DUP) activities
Director, Aaron (1901–2004)
dispute resolution
distributed lags
distributive politics and targeted public spending
dividend policy
Дивизиа, Франсуа
Divisia index
division of labour
Dobb, Maurice Herbert (1900–1976)
Domar, Evsey David (1914–1997)
Dorfman, Joseph (1904–1991)
Dornbusch, Rudiger (1942–2002)
double-entry bookkeeping
Douglas, Paul Howard (1892–1976)
dual economies
dual track liberalization
Duhring, Eugen Karl (1833–1921)
dummy variables
Dunlop, John Thomas (1914–2003)
Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel (1739–1817)
Dupuit, Arsene-Jules-Emile Juvenal (1804–1866)
durable goods markets and aftermarkets
Дурбин, Эван
Durbin-Watson statistic
Dutch Disease
dynamic models with non-clearing markets
dynamic programming
Easterlin hypothesis
Eckstein, Otto (1927–1984)
ecological economics
ecological inference
economic anthropology
economic calculation in socialist countries
economic demography
economic development and the
economic epidemiology
economic governance
economic growth
economic growth, empirical regularities in
economic growth in the very long run
economic growth nonlinearities
economic history
economic laws
economic man
economic sanctions
economic sociology
economic surplus and the
equimarginal principle
economics, definition of
economy as a complex system
Eden, Frederick Morton (1766–1809)
Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro (1845–1926)
education in developing countries
education production functions
educational finance
effective demand
efficiency bounds
efficiency wages
efficient allocation
efficient markets hypothesis
Einaudi, Luigi (1874–1961)
Eisner, Robert (1922–1998)
elasticities approach to the balance of payments
elasticity of intertemporal substitution
elasticity of substitution
electricity markets
electronic commerce
elites and economic outcomes
Ellet, Charles, Jr. (1810–1862)
Ely, Richard Theodore (1854–1943)
emerging markets
empirical likelihood
endogeneity and exogeneity
endogenous growth theory
endogenous market incompleteness
energy economics
Engel, Ernst (1821–1896)
Engel curve
Engel’s Law
Engels, Friedrich (1820–1895)
Engle, Robert F. (born 1942)
English School of political economy
Enlightenment, Scottish
enterprise zones
entitlements in laboratory experiments
envelope theorem
environmental economics
environmental Kuznets curve
Ephemerides du citoyen ou chronique de l’esprit national
epistemic game theory: an overview
epistemic game theory: beliefs and types
epistemic game theory: complete information
epistemic game theory: incomplete information
Том 3
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 3 equality — Hennipmanразвернуть
equality of opportunity
equation of exchange
equilibrium-correction models
equilibrium (development of the concept)
equivalence scales
ergodicity and nonergodicity in
Erlich, Alexander (1913–1985)
estate and inheritance taxes
ethics and economics
Eucken, Walter (1891–1950)
Euler equations
Euler’s theorem
European Central Bank
European labour markets
European Monetary Union
Evans, Griffith Conrad (1887–1973)
evolutionary economics
ex ante and ex post
excess burden of taxation
excess volatility tests
exchange rate dynamics
exchange rate exposure
exchange rate target zones
exchange rate volatility
excise taxes
exhaustible resources
existence of general equilibrium
exit and voice
expected utility hypothesis
experimental economics
experimental economics, history of
experimental labour economics
experimental macroeconomics
experimental methods in economics
experimental methods in
environmental economics
experiments and econometrics
external economies
extremal quantiles and value-at-risk
extreme bounds analysis
extreme poverty
Fabian economics
factor content of trade
factor models
factor price equalization (historical trends)
factor price frontier
factor prices in general equilibrium
fair allocation
family decision making
family economics
Farr, William (1807–1883)
Farrell, Michael James (1926–1975)
Fasiani, Mauro (1900–1950)
Faustmann, Martin(1822–1876)
Federal Reserve System
Grigory Feldman (1884 –1958)
feminist economics
fertility in developed countries
fertility in developing countries
Fetter, Frank Albert (1863–1949)
fiat money
fiducial inference
field experiments
finance (new developments)
financial intermediation
financial liberalization
financial market anomalies
financial market contagion
financial structure and economic development
finite sample econometrics
Финли, Мозес
firm boundaries (empirical studies)
firm-level employment dynamics
firm, theory of the
fiscal and monetary policies in developing countries
fiscal federalism
Фискальная теория уровня цен
Фишер, Ирвинг
Фишер, Рональд Эйлмер
fixed effects and random effects
fixed factors
fixed point theorems
fixprice models
Флеминг, Джон Маркус
Фогель, Роберт
Forbonnais, Franc-ois Ve´ron Duverger de (1722–1800)
forced saving
foreign aid
foreign direct investment
foreign exchange market microstructure
foreign exchange markets, history of
Foster, William Trufant (1879–1950)
France, economics in (before 1870)
France, economics in (after 1870)
free banking era
free disposal
Фридман, Милтон
Frisch, Ragnar Anton Kittel (1895–1973)
full and limited information methods
Fullarton, John (1780?–1849)
functional analysis
functional central limit theorems
functional finance
Фуртаду, Селсу (1920–2004)
futures markets, hedging and speculation
Гэлбрейт, Джон Кеннет
Галиани, Фердинандо
game theory
game theory and biology
game theory in economics, origins of
games in coalitional form
Geary, Robert Charles (1896–1983)
Gee, Joshua (fl.1725–1750)
gender differences (experimental evidence)
gender roles and division of labour
general equilibrium
general equilibrium (new developments)
general purpose technologies
generalized method of moments estimation
generational accounting
Genovesi, Antonio (1712–1769)
George, Henry (1839–1897)
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas (1906–1994)
Gerard-Varet, Louis-Andre´ (1944–2001)
German economics in the early 19th century
German hyperinflation
German reunification, economics of
Germany, economics in (20th century)
Гершенкрон, Александр
Gervaise, Isaac (fl. 1680–1720)
Gesell, Silvio (1862–1930)
Gibrat, Robert Pierre Louis (1904–1980)
Gibrat’s Law
Giffen, Robert (1837–1910)
Giffen’s paradox
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1860–1935)
Gini, Corrado (1884–1965)
Gini ratio
GIS data in economics
global analysis in economic theory
global games
globalization and labour
globalization and the welfare state
gold standard
golden rule
Goldfeld, Stephen (1940–1995)
Голдсмит, Реймонд Уильям
goods and commodities
Gordon, Robert Aaron (1908–1978)
Горман, Уильям Мур
Gossen, Hermann Heinrich
Gournay, Jacques Claude Marie Vincent, Marquis de (1712–1759)
government budget constraint
Graham, Frank Dunstone (1890–1949)
Granger, Clive W. J.
Granger–Sims causality
graph theory
graphical games
Graunt, John (1620–1674)
gravity equation
gravity models
Great Depression
Great Depression (mechanisms)
Great Depression, monetary and financial forces in
Great Divide
green national accounting
Gresham, Thomas (c1519–1579)
Gresham’s Law
Griliches, Zvi (1930–1999)
gross substitutes
Grossman, Herschel I. (1939–2004)
Grotius (de Groot), Hugo (1583–1645)
group selection
growth accounting
growth and civil war
growth and cycles
growth and inequality (macroperspectives)
growth and institutions
growth and international trade
growth and learning-by-doing
growth models, multisector
growth take-offs
Haavelmo, Trygve (1911–1999)
Habakkuk, John Hrothgar (1915–2002)
Haberler, Gottfried (1900–1995)
habit persistence
Hadley, Arthur Twining (1856–1930)
Hagen, Everett Einar (1906–1993)
Hamilton, Alexander (1755–1804)
Hannan, Edward J. (1921–1994)
Hansen, Alvin (1887–1975)
happiness, economics of
Харрис, Сеймур
Harris–Todaro hypothesis
Harrod, Roy Forbes (1900–1978)
Harsanyi, John C. (1920–2000)
Hart, Albert Gailord (1909–1997)
Hawkins–Simon conditions
Hawley, Frederick Barnard (1843–1929)
Hawtrey, Ralph George (1879–1975)
Hayek, Friedrich August von (1899–1992)
hazardous waste, economics of
health economics
health insurance, economics of
health outcomes (economic determinants)
Heckman, James (born 1944)
Heckscher, Eli Filip (1879–1952)
Heckscher–Ohlin trade theory hedging
hedonic prices
Heilbroner, Robert L. (1919–2005)
Heller, Walter Perrin (1942–2001)
Heller, Walter Wolfgang (1915–1987)
Hennipman, Pieter (1911–1994)
Том 4
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 4 Hermann — Langeразвернуть
Герман, Фридрих Бенедикт Вильгельм фон
Herskovits, Melville Jean (1895–1963)
heterodox economics
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation corrections
Хикс, Джон Ричард
Hicks, Ursula Kathleen (1896–1985)
Hicksian and Marshallian demands
hierarchical Bayes models
Hildebrand, Bruno (1812–1878)
Hilferding, Rudolf (1877–1941)
Hill, Polly (1914–2005)
Hirshleifer, Jack (1926–2005)
historical demography
historical economics, British
Historical School, German
history of economic thought
Hobson, John Atkinson (1858–1940)
hold-up problem
home production
homogeneous and homothetic functions
horizontal and vertical equity
Hotelling, Harold (1895–1973)
hours worked (long-run trends)
household portfolios
household production and public goods
household surveys
housing policy in the United States
housing supply
human capital
human capital, fertility and growth
Hume, David (1711–1776)
hunters, gatherers, cities and evolution
hunting and gathering economies
Hutcheson, Francis (1694–1746)
ideal output
immigration and the city
immiserizing growth
implicit contracts
impulse response function
incentive compatibility
income mobility
income taxation and optimal policies
incomplete contracts
incomplete markets
indentured servitude
index numbers
India, economics in
indicative planning
indirect inference
indirect utility function
individual learning in games
individual retirement accounts
individualism versus holism
industrial relations
Industrial Revolution
inequality between nations
inequality (global)
inequality (international evidence)
inequality (measurement)
infant-industry protection
inflation dynamics
inflation expectations
inflation measurement
inflation targeting
informal economy
information aggregation and prices
information cascade experiments
information cascades
information sharing among firms
information technology and the world economy
Ingram, John Kells (1823–1907)
inheritance and bequests
Innis, Harold Adams (1894–1952)
input–output analysis
inside and outside money
insider trading
institutional economics
institutional trap
institutionalism, old
instrumentalism and operationalism
instrumental variables
insurance mathematics
intangible capital
integrability of demand
intellectual property
intellectual property, history of
interacting agents in finance
interdependent preferences
interest rates
intergenerational income mobility
intergenerational transmission
intergovernmental grants
internal economies
internal migration
internal rate of return
international capital flows
international economics, history of
international finance
international financial institutions (IFIs)
international migration
International Monetary Fund
international monetary institutions
international outsourcing
international policy coordination
international real business cycles
international reserves
international trade, empirical approaches to
international trade and heterogeneous firms
international trade theory
Internet, economics of the
interpersonal utility comparisons
interpersonal utility comparisons (new developments)
intertemporal choice
intertemporal equilibrium and efficiency
intrahousehold welfare
inventory investment
investment decision criteria
investment (neoclassical)
Невидимая рука
involuntary unemployment
Ireland, economics in
iron law of wages
irreversible investment
Islamic economic institutions
IS–LM in modern macro
Isnard, Achylle Nicolas (1749–1803)
Italy, economics in
Jaffe´ , William (1898–1980)
Japan, economics in
Jaszi, George (1915–1992)
Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming (1833–1885)
Jevons, William Stanley (1835–1882)
Jewkes, John (1902–1988)
Jim Crow South
Johansen, Leif (1930–1982)
Johnson, Alvin Saunders (1874–1971)
Johnson, D. Gale (1917–2003)
Johnson, Harry Gordon (1923–1977)
Johnson, William Ernest (1858–1931)
Jones, Richard (1790–1855)
Joplin, Thomas (c. 1790–1847)
Juglar, Cle´ment (1819–1905)
just price
Justi, Johannn Heinrich Gottlob Von (1720–1771)
justice (new perspectives)
Kahn, Richard Ferdinand (1905–1989)
Kahneman, Daniel (born 1934)
Kain, John Forest (1935–2003)
Kaldor, Nicholas (1908–1986)
Kalecki, Michal (1899–1970)
Kalman and particle filtering
Kantorovich, Leonid Vitalievich (1912–1986)
Katona, George (1901–1981)
Kautsky, Karl (1854–1938)
kernel estimators in econometrics
Keynes, John Maynard (1883–1946)
Keynes, John Maynard (new perspectives)
Keynes, John Neville (1852–1949)
Keynesian revolution
Kindleberger, Charles P. (1910–2003)
King, Gregory (1648–1712)
kinked demand curve
Kitchin, Joseph (1861–1932)
Klein, Lawrence R. (born 1920)
Knapp, Georg Friedrich (1842–1926)
Knies, Karl Gustav Adolf (1821–1898)
Knight, Frank Hyneman (1885–1962)
Kondratieff cycles
Kondratieff, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1892–1938)
Konüs, Alexander Alexandrovich (Born 1895)[ 8]
Koopmans, Tjalling Charles (1910–1985)
Korea, economics in
Kravis, Irving B. (1916–1992)
Kuznets, Simon (1901–1985)
Kuznets swings
Kydland, Finn Erling (1943–)
Kyrk, Hazel (1886–1957)
laboratory financial markets
labour discipline
labour economics
labour economics (new perspectives)
labour-managed firms
labour market discrimination
labour market institutions
labour market search
labour supply
labour surplus economies
labour theory of value
labour’s share of income
Laffer curve
Лаффон, Жан-Жак
Lagrange multipliers
laissez-faire, economists and
Lancaster, Kelvin John (1924–1999)
land markets
land tax
Landry, Adolphe (1874–1956)
Lange, Oskar Ryszard (1904–1965)
Том 5
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 5 Lardner — network goods (theory)развернуть
Lardner, Dionysius (1793–1859)
large economies
large games (structural robustness)
Laspeyres, Ernst Louis Etienne (1834–1913)
Lassalle, Ferdinand (1825–1864)
Lauderdale, Eighth Earl of [James Maitland] (1759–1839)
Laughlin, James Laurence (1850–1933)
Launhardt, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm(1832–1918)
law of demand
law, economic analysis of
law of indifference
Law, John (1671–1729)
law(s) of large numbers
law, public enforcement of
Le Chatelier principle
Le Trosne, Guillaume Francois(1728–1780)
learning and evolution in games: adaptive heuristics
learning and evolution in games: an overview
learning and evolution in games: belief
learning and evolution in games: ESS
learning and information aggregation in networks
learning in macroeconomics
Lederer, Emil (1882–1939)
leisure class
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich [Ulyanov] (1870–1924)
Leontief paradox
Leontief, Wassily (1906–1999)
Lerner, Abba Ptachya (1905–1982)
Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre-Paul (1843–1916)
level accounting
Lewis, W. Arthur (1915–1991)
lexicographic orderings
liability for accidents
liberalism and economics
Lieben, Richard (1842–1919)
life cycle hypothesis
life tables
limit pricing
Lindahl equilibrium
Lindahl, Erik Robert (1891–1960)
linear models
linear programming
Lintner, John Virgil (1916–1983)
liquidity constraints
liquidity effects, models of
liquidity preference
liquidity trap
List, Friedrich (1789–1846)
litigation, economics of
Lloyd, William Forster (1794–1852)
loanable funds
local public finance
local regression models
location theory
logit models of individual choice
lognormal distribution
long memory models
long run and short run
Longfield, Mountifort (1802–1884)
longitudinal data analysis
Lorenz curve
Losch, August (1906–1945)
Lowe, Adolph (1893–1995)
low-income housing policy
Lucas, Robert (born 1937)
Lucas critique
lump sum taxes
Lundberg, Erik Filip (1907–1987)
Lyapunov functions
machinery question
Machlup, Fritz (1902–1983)
Macleod, Henry Dunning (1821–1902)
macroeconomic effects of international trade
macroeconomic forecasting
macroeconomics, origins and history of
Maddala, G. S. (1933–1999)
Mahalanobis, Prasanta Chandra(1893–1972)
Makower, Helen (1910–1998)
Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766–1834)
Malthusian economy
Malynes, Gerard de (f l. 1586–1623)
Manchester School
mandated employer provision of employee benefits
Mandel, Ernest (1923–1995)
Mandeville, Bernard (1670–1733)
Mangoldt, Hans Karl Emil von (1824–1868)
Maoist economics
Marcet, Jane Haldimand (1769–1858)
Marget, Arthur William (1899–1962)
marginal and average cost pricing
marginal productivity theory
marginal revolution
marginal utility of money
market competition and selection
market failure
market institutions
market microstructure
market period
market power and collusion in laboratory markets
market price
market structure
marketing boards
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
Markov equilibria in macroeconomics
Markov processes
Markowitz, Harry Max (born 1927)
marriage and divorce
marriage markets
Marschak, Jacob (1898–1977)
Marshall, Alfred (1842–1924)
Marshall, Mary Paley (1850–1944)
Marshall–Lerner condition
Мартино, Гарриет
Marx, Karl Heinrich (1818–1883)
Marxian transformation problem
Marxian value analysis
Marx’s analysis of capitalist production
Mason, Edward Sagendorph (1899–1992)
Masse´ , Pierre (1898–1987)
matching and market design
matching estimators
material balances
Математическая экономика
mathematical methods in political economy
mathematics and economics
mathematics of networks
maximum likelihood
maximum score methods
Mazzola, Ugo (1863–1899)
McCulloch, John Ramsay (1789–1864)
Макфадден, Дэниел
Мид, Джеймс
meaningfulness and invariance
Means, Gardiner Coit (1896–1988)
mean-variance analysis
measure theory
measurement error models
measurement, theory of
Дизайн механизмов
mechanism design (new developments)
mechanism design experiments
medieval guilds
Менгер, Карл
Mercier De La Rivie` re, Pierre-Paul (Mercier or Lemercier) (1720–1793/4)
merger analysis (United States)
merger simulations
mergers, endogenous
merit goods
Мёртон, Роберт Кархарт
Спор о методах
methodological individualism
Методология экономической науки
Метцлер, Ллойд Эпплтон
Милль, Джеймс
Милль, Джон Стюарт
Миллер, Мертон
Минар, Шарль Жозеф
Минсер, Джейкоб
minimum wages
Mirrlees, James (born 1936)
Mises, Ludwig Edler von (1881–1973)
Misselden, Edward (f l. 1608–1654)
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874–1948)
mixed strategy equilibrium
mixture models
model averaging
model selection
model uncertainty
Modigliani, Franco (1918–2003)
Modigliani–Miller theorem
monetary aggregation
monetary approach to the balance of payments
monetary business cycle models (sticky prices and wages)
monetary business cycles (imperfect information)
monetary cranks
monetary economics, history of
monetary and fiscal policy overview
monetary overhang
monetary policy
monetary policy, history of
monetary policy rules
monetary transmission mechanism
money, classical theory of
money and general equilibrium
money illusion
money supply
moneylenders in developing countries
monocentric versus polycentric models in urban economics
monopolistic competition
monopoly capitalism
Moore, Henry Ludwell (1869–1958)
moral hazard
Morgenstern, Oskar (1902–1977)
Morishima, Michio 1923–2004
motion pictures, economics of
multinational firms
multiple equilibria in macroeconomics
multiplier–accelerator interaction
multiplier analysis
Mun, Thomas (1571–1641)
Mundell, Robert (born 1932)
municipal bonds
Musgrave, Richard Abel (1910–2007)
music markets, economics of
Muth, John F. (1930–2005)
Myrdal, Gunnar (1898–1987)
Nash, John Forbes (born 1928)
Nash equilibrium, refinements of
Nash program
national accounting, history of
National Bureau of Economic Research
national income
national system
natural and warranted rates of growth
natural experiments and quasi-natural experiments
natural price
natural rate and market rate of interest
natural rate of unemployment
Navier, Louis Marie Henri (1785–1836)
neighbours and neighbourhoods
Nemchinov, Vasily Sergeevich (1894–1964)
neoclassical growth theory
neoclassical growth theory (new perspectives)
neoclassical synthesis
neo-Ricardian economics
network formation
network goods (empirical studies)
network goods (theory)
Том 6
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 6 neuroeconomics — Raymondразвернуть
neutral taxation
Нейтральность денег
new classical macroeconomics
New Deal
new economic geography
new institutional economics
new Keynesian macroeconomics
new open economy macroeconomics
Newcomb, Simon (1835–1909)
Nikaido, Hukukane (1923–2001)
noise traders
nominal exchange rates
non-clearing markets in general equilibrium
non-cooperative games (equilibrium existence)
non-expected utility theory
non-governmental organizations
nonlinear panel data models
nonlinear programming
nonlinear time series analysis
non-nested hypotheses
nonparametric structural models
non-profit organizations
non-standard analysis
non-substitution theorems
non-tariff barriers
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North, Douglass Cecil (born 1920)
North, Dudley (1641–1691)
Ноув, Алек
Новожилов, Виктор Валентинович
numerical optimization methods in economics
Nurkse, Ragnar (1907–1959)
nutrition and development
nutrition and public policy in advanced economies
offer curve or reciprocal demand curve
Ohlin, Bertil Gotthard (1899–1979)
oil and the macroeconomy
Okun, Arthur M. (1928–1980)
Okun’s Law
Olson, Mancur (1932–1998)
operations research
opportunity cost
optimal fiscal and monetary policy (with commitment)
optimal fiscal and monetary policy (without commitment)
optimal tariffs
optimal taxation
optimality and efficiency
optimum quantity of money
options (new perspectives)
Oresme, Nicholas (1325–1382)
organic composition of capital
Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Ортес, Джаммария
output fall – transformational recession
overlapping generations model of general equilibrium
Overstone, Lord [Samuel Jones Loyd] (1796–1883)
Owen, Robert (1771–1858)
Palander, Tord Folkeson (1902–1972)
Палгрев, Роберт Гарри Инглис
Palgrave’s Dictionary of Political Economy
Palmer, John Horsley (1779–1858)
panic of 1907
Pantaleoni, Maffeo (1857–1924)
paradoxes and anomalies
Pareto, Vilfredo (1848–1923)
Pareto distribution
Pareto efficiency
Pareto principle and competing
partial identification in econometrics
partial linear model
Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662)
patent valuation
path dependence
path dependence and occupations
path dependence in technical standards
Patinkin, Don (1922–1955)
Patten, Simon Nelson (1852–1922)
payment systems
peasant economy
pecuniary versus non-pecuniary
Penrose, Edith Tilton (1914–1996)
perfect competition
perfect foresight
perfect information
period of production
Perlman, Selig (1888–1959)
permanent-income hypothesis
Perron–Frobenius theorem
Perroux, Franc-ois (1903–1987)
personnel economics
Persons, Warren Milton (1878–1937)
peso problem
Petty, William (1623–1687)
pharmaceutical industry
Phelps Brown, (Ernest) Henry (1906–1994)
Phelps, Edmund (born 1933)
Phillips, Alban William Housego (1914–1975)
Phillips curve
Phillips curve (new views)
philosophy and economics
Pierson, Nichlaas Gerard (1839–1909)
Pigou, Arthur Cecil (1877–1959)
Pigouvian taxes
Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich (1856–1918)
pluralism in economics
Polanyi, Karl (1886–1964)
policy reform, political economy of
political arithmetic
political budget cycles
political business cycles
political competition
‘political economy’
political institutions, economic approaches to
pollution haven hypothesis
pollution permits
Pontryagin’s principle of optimality
Poor Law, new
Poor Law, old
population ageing
population and agricultural growth
population dynamics
population health, economic implications of
Portugal, economics in
positive economics
Post Keynesian economics
Постан, Майкл Моисей
poverty alleviation programmes
poverty lines
poverty traps
power laws
Prebisch, Rau´ l (1901–1986)
precautionary principle
precautionary saving and
precautionary wealth
predatory pricing
prediction formulas
prediction markets
prediction market design
preference reversals
Preobrazhensky, Evgenii Alexeyevich (1886–1937)
Prescott, Edward Christian (born 1940)
present value
price control
price discrimination (empirical studies)
price discrimination (theory)
price dispersion
price revolution
primary and secondary labour markets
principal and agent (i)
principal and agent (ii)
privatization impacts in transition economies
product differentiation
product life cycle
production functions
profit and profit theory
progressive and regressive taxation
propensity score
property law, economics and
property rights
property taxation
proportional hazard model
prospect theory
psychological games
psychology of social networks
public capital
public choice
public debt
public finance
public goods
public goods experiments
public infrastructure
public utility pricing and finance
public works
Pufendorf, Samuel von (1632–1694)
purchasing power parity
quantal response equilibria
quantile regression
quantity theory of money
Quesnay, Franc-ois (1694–1774)
R&D races
racial profiling
radical economics
Rae, John (1796–1872)
Rae, John (1845–1915)
Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (1903–1930)
Ramsey model
Ramsey pricing
rational behaviour
rational choice and political science
rational choice and sociology
rational expectations
rational expectations models, estimation of
rationality, bounded
rationality, history of the concept
Rau, Karl Heinrich (1792–1870)
Raymond, Daniel (1786–1849)
Том 7
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 7 real balances — stochastic volatility modelsразвернуть
real balances
real bills doctrine
real bills doctrine versus the quantity theory
real business cycles
real cost doctrine
real exchange rates
real rigidities
real wage rates (historical trends)
realized volatility
reciprocity and collective action
recursive competitive equilibrium
recursive contracts
recursive preferences
redistribution of income and wealth
reduced rank regression
regime switching models
regional and preferential trade agreements
regional development, geography of
regression-discontinuity analysis
regular economies
Reid, Margaret Gilpin (1896–1991)
religion and economic development
religion, economics of
rent control
rent seeking
repeated games
resale markets
research joint ventures
reservation price and reservation demand
residential real estate and finance
residential segregation
reswitching of technique
returns to scale
returns to scale measurement
returns to schooling
revealed preference theory
revelation principle
reverse capital deepening
rhetoric of economics
Ricardo, David (1772–1823)
Ricardian equivalence theorem
Ricardian trade theory
risk aversion
risk-coping strategies
risk sharing
Robbins, Lionel Charles (1898–1984)
Робертсон, Деннис
Robinson Crusoe
Robinson, Edward Austin Gossage (1897–1993)
Robinson, Joan Violet (1903–1983)
robust control
robust estimators in econometrics
Rogers, James Edwin Thorold (1823–1890)
Роос, Чарльз
Roscher, Wilhelm Georg Friedrich (1817–1894)
Rosen, Sherwin (1938–2001)
Rosenstein-Rodan, Paul Narcyz (1902–1985)
Rosenthal, Robert W. (1944–2002)
Rostow, Walt Whitman (1916–2003)
rotating saving and credit associations (ROSCAs)
Rothbard, Murray N. (1926–1995)
rotten kid theorem
Roy model
Рой, Рене
Royal Economic Society
Rubin causal model
Ruggles, Richard (1916–2001)
Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri (1760–1825)
Samuelson, Paul Anthony (born 1915)
Сарган, Денис
Sauvy, Alfred (1898–1990)
Savage, Leonard J. (Jimmie) (1917–1971)
Savage’s subjective expected utility model
Sax, Emil (1845–1927)
Say, (Jean-Baptiste) Le´on (1826–1896)
Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767–1832)
Say’s Law
Scandinavia, economics in
Schelling, Thomas C. (born 1921)
Schlesinger, Karl (1889–1938)
Schmoller, Gustav von (1838–1917)
Schmookler, Jacob (1918–1967)
scholastic economics
Scholes, Myron (born 1941)
school choice and competition
Schultz, Henry (1893–1938)
Schultz, T. W. (1902–1998)
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois (1883–1950)
Schumpeterian growth and growth policy design
science, economics of
scientific realism and ontology
Scitovsky, Tibor (1910–2002)
Скотт, Уильям Роберт
Scrope, George Poulett (1797–1876)
search-and-matching models of monetary exchange
search models of unemployment
search theory
search theory (new perspectives)
seasonal adjustment
second best
second economy (unofficial economy)
seemingly unrelated regressions
selection bias and self-selection
self-confirming equilibria
Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson (1861–1939)
Selten, Reinhard (born 1930)
semiparametric estimation
Sen, Amartya (born 1933)
Senior, Nassau William (1790–1864)
sequence economies
sequential analysis
serial correlation and serial dependence
Shackle, George Lennox Sharman (1903–1992)
shadow pricing
Shapley value
Shapley–Folkman theorem
Sharpe, William F. (born 1934)
Shephard, Ronald William (1912–1982)
shrinkage-biased estimation in econometrics
Sidgwick, Henry (1838–1900)
Сидрауски, Мигель
sieve extremum estimation
signalling and screening
silver standard
Simon, Herbert A. (1916–2001)
Simons, Henry Calvert (1899–1946)
Simonsen, Mario Henrique (1935–1997)
simplex method for solving linear programs
simulation-based estimation
simulation estimators in macroeconometrics
simultaneous equations models
single tax
Sismondi, Jean Charles Leonard
Simonde de (1773–1842)
size of nations, economics approach to the
skill-biased technical change
Slichter, Sumner Huber (1892–1959)
sliding scales (wages)
Slutsky, Eugen (1880–1948)
small-world networks
Smart, William (1853–1915)
Smith, Adam (1723–1790)
Smith, Bruce D. (1954–2002)
Smith, Vernon (born 1927)
SNP: nonparametric time series analysis
social capital
social choice
social choice (new developments)
social contract
social democracy
social discount rate
social insurance
social insurance and public policy
social interactions (empirics)
social interactions (theory)
social learning
social multipliers
social networks, economic relevance of
social networks in labour markets
social norms
social preferences
Social Security in the United States
social status, economics and
social welfare function
socialism (new perspectives)
socialist calculation debate
soft budget constraint
Solow, Robert (born 1924)
Sombart, Werner (1863–1941)
Sonnenfels, Joseph von (1733–1817)
South Sea bubble
sovereign debt
Soviet and Russian research, development and innovation
Soviet economic reform
Soviet growth record
Soviet Union, economics in
Spain, economics in
spatial econometrics
spatial economics
spatial market integration
spatial mismatch hypothesis
specie-flow mechanism
specification problems in econometrics
spectral analysis
speculative bubbles
Spence, A. Michael (born 1943)
Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903)
Spiethoff, Arthur August Kaspar (1873–1957)
spline functions
spontaneous order
sports, economics of
spurious regressions
Sraffa, Piero (1898–1983)
Sraffian economics
Sraffian economics (new developments)
s-S models
stability and growth pact
stable population theory
Stackelberg, Heinrich von (1905–1946)
Stalinism, political economy of
standard commodity
standards of living (historical trends)
state capture and corruption in transition economies
state-dependent preferences
state space models
statistical decision theory
statistical inference
statistical mechanics
statistics and economics
status and economics
Steindl, Josef (1912–1993)
Steuart, Sir James (1713–1780)
Stewart, Dugald (1753–1828)
sticky wages and staggered wage
Stigler, George Joseph (1911–1991)
Stiglitz, Joseph E. (born 1943)
stochastic adaptive dynamics
stochastic dominance
stochastic frontier models
stochastic optimal control
stochastic volatility models
Том 8
The New Palgrave: Dictionary of Economics, Volume 8 Stock price predictability — Zeuthenразвернуть
stock price predictability
stock price volatility
Stockholm School
stocks and flows
Ричард Стоун
strategic and extensive form games
strategic trade policy
strategic voting
strategy-proof allocation mechanisms
stratified and cluster sampling
Strotz, Robert H. (1922–1994)
structural change
structural change, econometrics of
structural unemployment
structural vector autoregressions
Стилизованные факты
subsistence and subsistence wages
substitutes and complements
sugar industry
sunspot equilibrium
supermodularity and supermodular games
superstars, economics of
‘supply and demand’
supply chains
survey data, analysis of
Swadeshi movement
Swan, Trevor W. (1914–1989)
Суизи, Пол
Свифт, Джонатан
switching costs
symmetry breaking
systems of cities
Tableau e´conomique
taking (eminent domain)
Tarbell, Ida Minerva (1857–1944)
tariff versus quota
Tarshis, Lorie (1911–1993)
tatonnement and recontracting
Тауссиг, Фрэнк
Тоуни, Ричард Генри
tax competition
tax compliance and tax evasion
tax expenditures
tax havens
tax incidence
tax shelters
tax treaties
taxation and poverty
taxation of corporate profits
taxation of the family
taxation of foreign income
taxation of income
taxation of wealth
Taylor rules
Тейлор, Фред Манвилле
technical change
temporary equilibrium
term structure of interest rates
terms of trade
terrorism, economics of
Тейл, Анри
theory appraisal
third world debt
Торнтон, Генри (экономист)
threshold models
Тюнен, Иоганн фон
Гипотеза Тибу
Тибу, Чарльз
time consistency of monetary and fiscal policy
time preference
time series analysis
time use
Timlin, Mabel Frances (1891–1976)
Тинберген, Ян
Tintner, Gerhard (1907–1983)
Titmuss, Richard Morris (1907–1973)
Тобин, Джеймс
Коэффициент Тобина
Tobit model
Токвиль, Алексис де
Тук, Томас
Торренс, Роберт
total factor productivity
Townshend, Hugh (1890–1974)
Toynbee, Arnold (1852–1883)
Tozer, John Edward (1806–1877)
tradable and non-tradable commodities
trade and poverty
trade costs
trade cycle
trade policy, political economy of
trade, technology diffusion and growth
tragedy of the commons
Трансакционные издержки
transfer of technology
transfer pricing
transfer problem
transition and institutions
transversality condition
transversality conditions and dynamic economic behaviour
treatment effect
trend/cycle decomposition
Триффин, Роберт
Троцкий, Лев Давидович
trust in experiments
Tsuru, Shigeto (1912–2006)
Tucker, Josiah (1713–1799)
Туган-Барановский, Михаил Иванович
Тюрго, Анн Робер Жак
turnpike trusts
Тверски, Амос
two-sector models
two-sided markets
two-stage least squares and the k-class estimator
uncertainty and general equilibrium
uncovered interest parity
underemployment equilibria
unemployment and hours of work, cross country differences
unemployment insurance
unemployment measurement
uneven development
unforeseen contingencies
unit roots
United States, economics in (1776–1885)
United States, economics in (1885–1945)
United States, economics in (1945 to present)
Uno, Kozo (1897–1977)
urban agglomeration
urban economics
urban environment and quality of life
urban growth
urban housing demand
urban political economy
urban production externalities
urban transportation economics
user fees
Usher, Abbot Payson (1884–1965)
utilitarianism and economic theory
value elicitation
value judgements
value of life
value of time
value-added tax
variance, analysis of
variance decomposition
varying coefficient models
Veblen goods
Веблен, Торстейн Бунде
vector autoregressions
venture capital
Верри, Пьетро
vertical integration
Викри, Уильям
Vind, Karl (1933–2004)
Вайнер, Джейкоб
vintage capital
virtual economy
Нейман, Джон фон
Воробьёв, Николай Николаевич
voting paradoxes
Wade, John (1788–1875)
wage curve
wage indexation
wage inequality, changes in
wages fund
Уэйкфилд, Эдвард
Вальд, Абрахам
Уокер, Фрэнсис Амаса
Вальрас, Огюст
Вальрас, Леон
Walras’s Law
war and economics
Warburton, Clark (1896–1979)
Warming, Jens (1873–1939)
Washington Consensus
Вебер, Альфред
Вебер, Макс
Вейнтрауб, Сидней
welfare costs of business cycles
welfare economics
welfare state
Wells, David Ames (1828–1898)
Уэст, Эдуард
Уитли, Джон
Уэвелл, Уильям
Викселль, Кнут
Wicksell effects
Уикстид, Филипп
Wiener process
Wiesner, Friedrich Freiherr, (Baron) von (1851–1926)
Уитт, Эдвин
Волд, Херман
women’s work and wages
Wood, Stuart (1853–1914)
worker participation and profit sharing
World Bank
World Trade Organization
World Wars, economics of
Yntema, Theodore O. (1900–1985)
Янг, Эллин
Юнг, Артур
Zawadzki, Wladyslaw Marian (1885–1939)
Zeuthen, Frederik Ludvig Bang (1888–1959)
Содержание русского издания
Первый том — Экономическая теория
Второй том — Финансы
Стивен А. Росс Финансовая теория
Джеймс Тобин Финансовые посредники
Клиффорд У. Смит-мл. Издержки делегирования полномочий
Филип Дыбвиг, Стивен А. Росс Арбитраж
Гур Хуберман Арбитражная теория формирования цен
Томас Е. Копланд, Дж. Фред Уэстон Формирование цен на активы
Бенуа Мандельброт. Луи Башелье
Масахиро Каваи Бэквардация
М.Дж. Бреннан Модель формирования цен на капитальные Активы
Роберт Мертон Стохастические модели с непрерывным временем
Чи-Фу Хуанг Случайные процессы с непрерывным временем
Дж. Э. Брикли, Дж. Дж. Макконнелл Политика выплаты дивидендов
Бертон Мэлкиел Гипотеза эффективного рынка
Н. Х. Хаканссон Финансовые рынки
Д. М. Ньюбери Фьючерсные рынки, хеджирование и спекуляция
Х. С. Хаутэккер Торговля фьючерсами
Дж. С. С. Эдвардс Структура капитала
Грегори Коннор Хеджирование
Дж. Ингерсолл Процентные ставки
Д. Т. Бриден Межвременная портфельная теория и ценообразование на активы
Г. М. Марковиц Анализ портфеля активов на основе средней доходности — дисперсии
Дж. Ингерсолл Теория оценки опционов
Р. С. Мертон Опционы
Т. Маршак Теория организации
Н. Х. Хаканссон Портфельный анализ
С. Ф. Лерой Приведенная стоимость
Э. Кош Норма нераспределенной прибыли
А. Г. Маллиарис Стохастическое оптимальное управление
Алан Хьюз и Эджит Сингх Поглощения и фондовый рынок
Бэртон Дж. Мэлкиел Временная структура процентных ставок
Третий том — «Невидимая рука» рынка
Эндрю С. Скиннер Адам Смит (недоступная ссылка)
Джордж Вудкок Анархизм
Р. Ф. Эбер Клод Фредерик Бастиа
Росс Харрисон Иеремия Бентам
Мансур Олсон Коллективное действие
П. С. Атия Общее право
Джеймс М. Бьюкенен Конституциональная экономическая теория
Алан Пикок Экономическая свобода
Израэль М. Кирцнер Экономическая гармония
Стефано Замани Экономические законы
Мюррэй Милгейт Равновесие: развитие концепции
Николас Филлипсон Адам Фергюсон
Питер Маршалл Уильям Годвин
Роджер У. Гарисон и Израэль М. Кирцнер Фридрих Август Хайек
К. Б. Макферсон Томас Гоббс
Э. Ротвейн Давид Юм
Эндрю С. Скиннер Фрэнсис Хатчесон
К. Б. Макферсон Индивидуализм
Альберт О. Хиршман Интересы
Карен И. Вон «Невидимая рука »
Дейвид Фридмен Право и экономическая теория
Ральф Дарендорф Либерализм
Алан Райан Свобода
Карен И. Вон Джон Локк
Н. Розенберг Бернард Мандевилль
Алан Райан Джон Стюарт Милль
Николас Филлипсон Джон Миллар
Р. С. Дауни Моральная философия
Н. Э. Симмондс Естественное право
Алан Райан Собственность
Армен Алчиан Права собственности
Джон Робертсон Шотландское Просвещение
Д. Г. Монро Собственный интерес
Я. де В. Граафф Общественные издержки
Ч. Уэлч Утилитаризм
Грегори Клэйс Утопии
По отзыву газеты «The Guardian » «Новый Палгрейв» — лучший словарь в своём классе и, являясь преемником оригинального словаря Палгрейва, у него не будет конкурентов на протяжении многих десятилетий[ 9] .
По мнению журнала «The World Economy » «Новый Палгрейв» (1987 года) будет являться контрольным эталоном до конца XX века[ 9] .
По мнению профессора экономики Мартина Вейцмана «Новый Палгрейв» — очень качественный продукт, список авторов похож на справочник «Кто есть кто в экономике », спектр тем захватывает дух, а выбор тем статей чрезвычайно впечатляет[ 9] .
По мнению профессора экономики Принстонского университета Алана Блиндера данный проект является весьма дерзким, а список авторов уникальным[ 9] .
По мнению лауреата Нобелевской премии по экономике Кеннета Эрроу «Новый Палгрейв» станет незаменимым справочным пособием для специалистов по экономике, и, возможно, для многих журналистов и бизнесменов[ 9] .
↑ Stigler G. J. Palgrave's Dictionary of Economics // Journal of Economic Literature [англ.] . — Dec., 1988. — Vol. 26, № 4 .
↑ Дж.Итуэлл , М.Милгейт [англ.] , П. Ньюмен [англ.] . Финансы . — М. : ГУ-ВШЭ , 2008. — С. ix-xi. — 931 с. — ISBN 978-5-7598-0588-5.
↑ Publishing History . — Palgrave Macmillan .
↑ The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Second Edition . — Palgrave Macmillan .
↑ The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Архивная копия от 16 апреля 2020 на Wayback Machine //Springer Nature Switzerland AG
↑ List of entries A–Z (1889 article) . — Palgrave Macmillan .
↑ About the Archive Архивная копия от 9 июля 2017 на Wayback Machine —Palgrave Macmillan
↑ Konüs, Alexander Alexandrovich (Born 1895) Архивная копия от 12 июня 2018 на Wayback Machine // The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
↑ Перейти обратно: 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 9,4 Reviews . — Palgrave Macmillan , 1988.