Шамилов, Аладдин Халыгверди оглы

Материал из энциклопедии Руниверсалис
Аладдин Шамилов
азерб. Ələddin Xalıqverdi oğlu Şamilov
Дата рождения 10 марта 1943(1943-03-10) (81 год)
Место рождения Гошабулаг (Гойче), Басаргечарский район, Армянская ССР, СССР
Страна Азербайджан
Место работы Анатолийский университет
Учёная степень доктор физико-математических наук,
Учёное звание профессор

Аладдин Халыгверди оглы Шамилов — доктор физико-математических наук, профессор.


Аладдин Шамилов родился 10 марта 1943 года в селе Кошабулаг Басаргечарского района Армянской ССР в семье колхозника. В 1963 году окончил Гянджинский государственный университет с дипломом отличия. После службы в рядах Советской армии в течение двух лет работал учителем математики в родном селе, а в 1967 году стал аспирантом кафедры Дифференциальных и интегральных уравнений Азербайджанского государственного университета и в 1967 году назначен на должность преподавателя этой же кафедры.

tədbir 1

В 1972 году успешно защитил кандидатскую, в 1984 году докторскую диссертацию при поддержке Московского института имени В. А. Стеклова в Институте математики и механики при Академии наук Украины и в Новосибирском государственном университете.

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В 1977 году успешно окончил курсы повышения квалификации Московского государственного университета имени М. Ю. Ломоносова.

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В 1978 году доцент, с 1987 года профессор кафедры дифференциальных и интегральных уравнений Бакинского государственного университета. Так же преподавал на курсах повышения квалификации на механико-математическом факультете для преподавателей университетов Азербайджана и других стран.

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Автор 8 книг в разных областях математики, одного поэтического издания, более 150 научных статей изданных как в местных так и в зарубежных журналах, научный руководитель 12 кандидатов наук и и[что?] доктора наук. Был сопредседателем Совета докторов наук Бакинского государственного университета, заведующим кафедры общей математики (1966—2000).

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В 1999 году был приглашён в Университет Османгази Турецкой Республики, с 2001 года — профессор кафедры статистики Университета Анадолу.

Основные научные результаты

Для функционально-дифференциальных и абстрактных дифференциальных уравнений исследованы специальные краевые задачи с неизвестным параметром и предложены следующие методы решения таких задач: a) метод зависимых переменных; b) независимых переменных.

Кроме того, для дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных предложена специальная краевая задача со свободной границей и неизвестным параметром. Исследованы вопросы существования и отсутствия решения упомянутых задач.

Предложены новые обобщенные оптимизационные для энтропии методы МАХ МАХ ЕNT, MİN MAX ENT, MAX MİNX ENT, MİN MİN ENT, которые имеют важные приложения в математической статистике, теории информации в других областях.

В области стохастических дифференциальных уравнений получены важные результаты, которые опубликованы в соответствующих источниках .

В настоящее время по перечисленным областям осуществляется подготовка специалистов под руководством проф. др. А. Х. Шамилова.

Научные статьи

  • Estimation of cumulative distribution function with spline functions
  • Survival Data Analysis by Minminxent and Maxminxent Methods
  • An Application of Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods in Survival Data Analysis
  • On Several New Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods
  • Minimum Cross Fuzzy Entropy Problem, The Existence of Its Solution and Generalized Minimum Cross Fuzzy Entropy Problems
  • Generalized Maximum Fuzzy Entropy Methods with Applications on Wind Speed Data
  • Information Worth of MinMaxEnt Models for Time Series
  • Generalized Entropy Optimization Distributions Dependent on Parameter in Time Series
  • Generalized entropy optimization problems with finite moment functions sets
  • On the identifiability of finite mixtures based on the union of logarithmic series and discrete rectangular families
  • Some relationships between entropy values of entropy optimization distributions for time series
  • A new method for estimating the missing value of observed time series and time series forecasting
  • A new concept of relative suitability of moment function sets
  • Use of MinMaxEnt distributions defined on basis of MaxEnt method in wind power study
  • Finite Mixtures of MaxEnt Distributions
  • Generalized Entropy Optimization Problems And The Existence Of Their Solutions
  • A Fano Huffman Based Statistical Coding Method
  • Parameter Estimation Using Different Information-Theoritical Divergence Measures
  • On a Functional Defined by Means of Kullback Leibler Measure and its Statistical Applications
  • Estimation by Combining MinxEnt Principle and time Series Analysis
  • Statistical Structure of Printed Turkish English German French Russian and Spanish
  • The Distribution of Minimizing Maximum Entropy Alternative to Weibull Distribution for Wind Speed
  • The Applications of Construction of MinxEnt Probability Distributions
  • Approach to Multimodal Distributions with Maximum Entropy
  • A Development of Entropy Optimization Methods
  • New method of obtaining probability distributions based on maximum entropy principle
  • A Method of Obtaining Distributions of Transformed Random Variables by Using the Heaviside and the Dirac Generalized Functions
  • On a new concept of generilized probability density function to systems of random variables
  • On Existence and Nonexistence of Classical Solution of Generilized Ballistical Problem for a Class of Nonlinear Elliptical Equations
  • On solvability generilized balistical problem for a class of nonlinear equations
  • Generalized Solution of Generilized Ballistical Problem for a Differential Equation of Elliptical Type
  • Computer Programming of a Numerical Integration Method and Some Applications
  • On the New Conditions For Solvablitly and nonsolvability of Generalized Ballistical Problem for an Elliptic Equation
  • On the theory of special values problems for non-linear abstract differential equations
  • On the theory of generalized ballistical problems for nonlinear abstract differential equations
  • K.T. Akhmedov about the applied methodical problems of mathematics
  • Preparing of the Bidding Cost Schedule Used to Optimum Estimation Curves in Construction Industry — An Application for TTL Using Curvefitting Methods
  • On theory of a ballistic problem for the nonlinear abstract differential equation with the main linear part
  • Ballistical problem with its generalizations and methods of their investigations
  • On special boundary value problems for abstract differential equations in Hilbert space
  • Special boundary value problems for differential equations in a Hilbert space
  • On global solvability of some variants of special boundary value problems for the second order elliptic equations
  • On solvability and nonsolvability of a variant of boundary value problems with a free bound for a second order abstract differential equations
  • Solvability and unsolvability of a certain boundary value problem with a free boundary for abstract second order differential equations
  • On solvability of a special boundary value problem for elliptic equations
  • On solvability of a special boundary value problem for abstract differential equations
  • Sufficient conditions of solvability for boundary value problems with a free bound
  • On existence and nonexistence of solutions of a special problem with a free bound for elliptic equations
  • On theory of special boundary problems for abstract differential equations
  • Solvability of a special boundary value problem for abstract differential equations
  • Solvability of a special problem with a free bound for elliptic equations
  • On a problem with unknown parameter and the additional functional restricuion
  • On existence and uniqueness of the solution of a problem for functional -differential equations of the n-th order
  • Solvability of a special problem for functional -differential equations of the n-th order
  • The theorems of existence and uniqueness of the solution of a special problem for functional-differential equations of a neutral type
  • On existence and nonexistence of the weak solutions of the generalized ballistic problem for an elliptic equation
  • On existence of the solutions of a ballistic problem for the second-order differential-deviating equations, depending on the unknown solutions and its derivative
  • Some Problems of theory equations with smooth operators
  • On existence and nonexistence of solutions of a ballistic problem for the second-order functional differential equations
  • The Newton-Kantorovich method applied to the problem with a parameter for the integral equation with a deviate
  • A problem for ordinary differential equations
  • On existence and uniqueness of the weak solution of a problem for the elliptic equation
  • Correction of a special problem for the elliptic equation with a chosen variable
  • Solvablity of a parametric problem for the integral-deviating equation in some functional spaces
  • A boundary value problem with a parameter for the nonlinear differential-deviating equation of a neutral type
  • Solvability of a parametric problem for the integral-deviating equation in some functional spaces
  • Conditions of solvability of a problem for the second order differential equations with a deviate depending on the unknown solution and its derivative
  • On existence and uniqueness of the solution of a problem for the second-order differential equations with a deviate .depending on the unknown solution and its derivative
  • Differentiability of some operators
  • Solvablity of a problem for the elliptic equations
  • Differentiable dependence on input data of solutions of the ballistic problem
  • On a problem for the elliptic equation and conditions of its solvability
  • On theory of a ballistic problem
  • On a problem for partial differential equations
  • Some new conditions of solvability of a boundary value problem for nonlinear differential-deviating equations
  • On theory of special boundary problems for the second-order differential-deviating equations
  • On the smoothness of some special operators
  • On the smoothness of some functionals given in an implict form by a functional equations
  • On sufficient conditions of solvability of a boundary value problem for nonlinear differential-deviating equations of neutral type
  • On a problem for differential equations
  • Conditions of solvability for a boundary problem
  • On an approach to solvability of special boundary problems
  • Necessary conditions ofoptimality for a dynmic system with control parameters
  • On existence of solutions of functional differential equations
  • On the boundedness of solutions of linear difference-differential equations of a neutral type
  • Application of the quasilinearization method for a system with nonlinear boundary conditions
  • On boundedness of solutions for a class of nonlinear equations with variable delays
  • On boundedness of solutions for linear differential equations with variable argument delays


  • In Advances in Sustainable Aviation, Bölüm Sayfaları: 177—187
  • Entropi, İnformasyon ve Entropi Optimizasyon, 183 s.
  • Kavramsal Yorumlar ve Uygulamalarla Olasılık Teorisi, 439 s.
  • Teori ve Çözümlü Problemlerle Diferansiyel Denklemler, 299 s.
  • Bir Gönül Sadası
  • Entropi İnformasyon ve Entropi Optimizasyon, 264 s.
  • Olasılıksal Dağılımların Karakteristik Fonksiyonları ve Uygulamaları, 214 s.
  • Ölçüm Teorisi Olasılık ve Lebesgue Integrali, 131 s.
  • Collection of exercise and examples for solving typical problems on differential equations, 100 s.
  • Special problems of theory of functional differential equations, 112 s.


  • Splayn Modeller ve Uygulamaları. Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi
  • Genelleştirilmiş Entropi Optimizasyon Yöntemleri ile Bulanık Veri Analizi. Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi
  • Yaşam Süreçlerine Entropi Optimizasyon Yöntemlerinin Uygulamaları


  • Genelleştirilmiş entropi optimizasyon yöntemleri ile bulanık veri analizi
  • Yaşam süreçlerine entropi optimizasyon yöntemlerinin uygulamaları
  • Stokastik diferensiyel denklemlerle modelleme
  • Moment kısıtlarına dayalı genelleştirilmiş entropi yöntemleri
  • Zaman serilerinde entropi optimizasyon yöntemleri
  • Olasılıksal karışım modelleri
  • MaxEnt ve MinxEnt optimizasyon presiplerine bağlı nümerik incelemeler ve istatistiksel uygulamalar
  • Entropi optimizasyon metodlarıyla rassal değişkenlerin dağılımlarının incelenmesi
  • Farklı dillerin entropi ve informasyon teorisi açısından istatistiksel özellikleri
  • On Solvability of Generalized Ballistical Problems for Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type
  • Investigation of Special Boundary Value Problems for n Order Functional Differential Equations
  • Smoothness and Solvability Questions in the Theory of Special Boundary Value Problems for Functional Differential Equations
  • On the Theory of Special Boundary Value Problems with Free Boundary for Functional Differential Equations
  • Ivestigation of Some Problems Containing Unknown Parameters for Differential and Integral Equations with Deviating Argument
  • Investigation of Special Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Differential Equations of Neutral Type
  • Some Special Boundary Value Problems for Differential Equations of Second Order


  • Comparison of entropy optimization methods and smoothing splines in estimation of probability density functions
  • Time series data analysis with different spline functions
  • Bootstrap Fuzzy Functions For Time Series Forecasting; Application of Borsa İstanbul
  • Forecasting time series data with spline functions
  • Statistical Approach to Extend Exhaust Emissions Data of a Turboprop Engine
  • Statistical approach to extend exhaust emissions data of a turboprop engine
  • Generalized Maximum Fuzzy Entropy Methods with Applications
  • Generalized Maximum Fuzzy Entropy Methods with Applications on Wind Speed Data
  • An Application of Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods in Survival Data Analysis
  • MinMinxEnt ve MaxMinxEnt Yöntemleri ile Sağkalim Veri Analizi
  • Survival Data Analysis by Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods
  • On Developed Estimation Methods via Unique and Multiple Parameterization
  • Forecasting via MinMaxEnt Modeling: An Application on the Unemployment Rate
  • Comparison of MaxMaxEnt and MinMaxEnt Distributions for Time Series in the Sense of Entropy
  • Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis to Time Series with Missing Value
  • Hisse Senetleri Fiyatlandırmaları için Stokastik Modellerin Karşılaştırılması
  • Estimation Method Based on MinMaxEnt Distribution for Missing Value in Time Series
  • Conditional Distribution of Stock Market Value by Entropy Optimization Subject to Correlation
  • Entropi Optimizasyon Ölçülerine Dayalı Portföy Optimizasyonu
  • İnformasyon Teorisine Dayalı Bir İstatistiksel Kriter
  • Genelleştirilmiş Entropi Optimizasyon Problemlerinin (GEOP) Çözümlerinin Varlığı ve Tekliği
  • Minimum Çapraz Entropi Metodunun İstatistiksel bir Uygulaması
  • Entropi Karışım Dağılımları ve Bir Görüntü İşleme Uygulaması
  • Türkiye’de Para Krizi için Entropi Güven Aralıkları
  • Verinin İki Modlu Olması Durumunda Maxent Dağılımlarının Performansının İncelenmesi
  • Performance of Maximum Entropy Probability Density in the Case of Data Which are not Well Distributed
  • Parameter Estimation Using the Measure of Symmetric Cross Entropy Divergence Measure
  • Comparisons of the Turkish, English, German, French, Russian and Spanish Languages For Communication of Same Semantic Content
  • Determining Probability Distribution by Minimum Cross Entropy Method
  • An approach to generalize entropy optimization principles and related aspects of newton’s method
  • Estimation by MinxEnt Principle
  • MinMaxEnt Dağılımı Yardımıyla Modelleme
  • Dünya Ülkelerinin Kentsel ve Kırsal Nüfus Homojenliğinin Genişletilmiş Maksimum Entropi Ölçümü ile Belirlenmesi
  • Dirac ve Heaviside Genelleşmiş Fonksiyonlarını Kullanarak Rassal Değişkenlerin Dağılımlarının Elde Edilmesi Metodu
  • Türkçe, İngilizce, Almanca, Fransızca, Rusça ve İspanyolca İçin İkili Kodların kurulması ve Optimal Kodlama Yönteminin Belirlenmesi
  • Genelleştirilmiş Entropi Optimizasyon Metodlarının Matematiksel Temelleri
  • On a Distribution Minimizing Maximum Entropy
  • Various Binary Codes For Probability Distribution of Turkish Letters
  • Comparison of Classical Estimate Methods Based on Maximum Entropy Distribution
  • On Solvability of Generilized Ballistical Problem for a class of Nonlinear Equations
  • On theory of generalized ballistical problem for nonlinear abstract differential equations
  • On the theory of special boundary value problems for nonlinear abstract differential equations
  • Special boundary value problems and methods of their investigations
  • Theory of functional differential equations and necessity to introduce high mathematics programs
  • The methods of solving classical Ballistic problem and its different modifications
  • On solving of special boundary value problems for second order abstract differential equations
  • Some analogues of a classical ballistic problem and external problems in the Sobolev spaces with dominant mixed derivatives
  • Improve your skill in teaching mathematics