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Файл:History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria (1903) (14584080510).jpg

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Identifier: cu31924091762140 (find matches)
Title: History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria
Year: 1903 (1900s)
Authors: Maspero, G. (Gaston), 1846-1916 Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry), 1845-1933
Subjects: Civilization, Ancient History, Ancient
Publisher: London : Grolier Society
Contributing Library: Cornell University Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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eCaspian, the Cadusians and Amardians, on either side ofthe chain of mountains bordering the Iranian plateau,defied all the efforts made to subdue them.^ India and theSakge had developed from the condition of subjects intothat of friendly allies, and the savage hordes of Gedrosiaand the Paropamisus refused to recognise any authority atall.^ The whole empire needed to be reconquered andreorganised bit by bit if it was to exercise that influencein the world to which its immense size entitled it, and the 1 They appear in the history of every epoch as the irreconcilable foes ofthe great king, enemies against whom even the most peacefully disposedsovereigns were compelled to take the field in person. 2 The SaksB fought at Arbela, but only as allies of the Persians. TheIndians who are mentioned with them came from the neighbourhood ofCabul; most of the races who had formerly figured in Darius satrapy ofIndia had become independent by the time Alexander penetrated into thebasin of the Indus.
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VOL. IX. THE CONQUERED NATIONS 323 question arose whettier the elements of which it consistedwould lend themselves to any permanent reorganisation orreadjustment. The races of the ancient Eastern world, or, at any rate,that portion of them which helped to make its history,either existed no longer or had sunk into their dotage.They had worn each other out in the centuries of theirprime, Chaldaeans and Assyrians fighting against Cosseeansor Elamites, Egyptians against Ethiopians and againstHittites, Urartians, Armgeans, the peoples of Lebanon andof Damascus, the Phoenicians, Canaanites and Jews, untilat last, with impoverished blood and flagging energies, theywere thrown into conflict with younger and more vigorousnations. The Medes had swept away all that still remainedof Assyria and Urartu; the Persians had overthrown theMedes, the Lydians, and the Chaldseans, till Egypt aloneremained and was struck down by them in her turn. Whathad become of these conquered nations during the period

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Время создания 1903
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