Премия Денеша Габора

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Материал из энциклопедии Руниверсалис
Не следует путать с Медалью Габора

Премия Денеша Габора (англ. Dennis Gabor Award in Diffractive Optics) — награда Общества оптики и фотоники (SPIE) за достижения в области технологий, использующих дифракцию волн, в том числе в голографии. Награждение проводится с 1983 года. Вместе с медалью вручается вознаграждение в 2 тысячи долларов США. Среди награждённых есть представители СССР и Российской Федерации: Юрий Денисюк, Леонид Глебов.



  1. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his eminent contributions to the development of holography and optical metrology through the inventions of the Fourier transform method for fringe analysis and coherence holography.
  2. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the development of holography-based technologies for measurements on large, micro and nano-structures.
  3. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his novel applications of ultrafast pulses and nanophotonics in information processing systems.
  4. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his development of compressive holographic and tomographic imaging systems and for advances in the physical and information science of imaging and spectroscopy.
  5. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his ground breaking research in the development of high resolution and multi-component parametric phase formulation methods for the simultaneous estimation of multiple phases and their derivatives from holographic interference patterns.
  6. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his eminent contribution to the development of incoherent holography and nonlinear optical microscopy through his pioneering work on coherence-based multispectral and 3D imaging, and nonlinear optical imaging and manipulations of biological and inorganic industrial materials.
  7. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his pioneering contributions to optical scanning holography (OSH), which has contributed significantly to the development of novel digital holography and 3-D Imaging.
  8. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his significant contributions to the development of computer-generated holography, and related techniques for optical metrology, information processing, display and optical storage.
  9. Обоснование награды: In recognition of pioneering work in nanoscale information optics, including optically-digitized holography and optical data storage using advanced nanomaterials.
