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Файл:The tribes and castes of the Central Provinces of India (1916) (14577175788).jpg

Материал из энциклопедии Руниверсалис

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Описание изображения
Описание "Little Girls Playing"; the girls belong to the Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu caste

Identifier: tribescastesofce04russ (find matches)
Title: The tribes and castes of the Central Provinces of India
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Authors: Russell, R. V. (Robert Vane), 1873-1915
Subjects: Ethnology -- India Madhya Pradesh Caste -- India Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh (India) -- Religion
Publisher: London : Macmillan and Co., limited
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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lutely no voice, and the boy has very little unless herevolts and disobediently declines to accept a girl alreadyselected. Similarly the educated Prabhus are beginning todispense with the astrologers calculations showing theagreement of the horoscopes of the couple, which are toooften made a cloak for the extortion of large presents. Itvery often happens that everything is amicably settledexcept the greed of the priest, and he manages to find outsome disagreement between the horoscopes of the marriage-able parties to vent his anger. This trick has beensufficiently exposed, and the educated portion of this ultra-literary caste have in most cases discarded horoscopes andplanetary conjunctions altogether. Under these restrictionsthe only thing the council of astrologers have to do is todraw up two documents giving diagrams based on thenames of the parties—for names are presumably selected 1 Pamphlet published in connection with the Ethnographic Survey.^ A Prablni Marriage^ p. 3 et seq.
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II PRABHU 401 according to the conjunctions of the stars at birth. Butthey are often not, and depend on the Hking of the fatherfor a family god, a mythological hero, a patron or a cele-brated/ancestor in the case of the boy. In that of the girlthe favourite deity or a character in the most recent fable ordrama the father has just read. According to custom the bridegroom should go to thebrides house to be married, but if it is more convenient tohave the wedding at the bridegrooms town, the bride goesthere to a temporary house taken by her father,^ and thenthe bridegroom proceeds to a temple with his party and iswelcomed as if he had arrived on completion of a journey.Mr. Gupte thus describes the reception of the bride whenshe has come to be married : But there comes an urgenttelegram. The bride and her mother are expected and in-formation is given to the bridegrooms father. In all hastepreparations are made to give her a grand and suitablereception. Oh, the flutter among the girls asse

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Время создания 1916
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