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Файл:Ilios; the city and country of the Trojans. The results of researches and discoveries on the site of Troy and throughout the Troad in the years 1871-72-73-78-79, including an autobiography of the (14590124058).jpg

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Identifier: ilioscitycountry00schl_0 (find matches)
Title: Ilios; the city and country of the Trojans. The results of researches and discoveries on the site of Troy and throughout the Troad in the years 1871-72-73-78-79, including an autobiography of the author
Year: 1880 (1880s)
Authors: Schliemann, Heinrich, 1822-1890 Virchow, Rudolf, 1821-1902 Müller, F. Max (Friedrich Max), 1823-1900 Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry), 1845-1933 Mahaffy, J. P. (John Pentland), 1839-1919 Brugsch, Heinrich, 1827-1894 Ascherson, Paul, 1834-1913 Postolakas, Achilles Burnouf, Emile, 1821-1907 Calvert, Frank Dufield, Alexander James, 1821-90
Subjects: Archaeology
Publisher: New York: Harper & Bros
Contributing Library: Getty Research Institute
Digitizing Sponsor: Getty Research Institute

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Text Appearing Before Image:
II. No. 232. Terra-cotta Vase, with owls head, in which were found agreat many gold ornaments. (1: 3 actual size. Depth, 30 ft.) The vase No. 233 is decorated on either side with a curved ornamentin the form of the Cypriote character for ho, or of a character which isfound in the alphabets of Caria and Pamphylia, as well as m Hittiteinscriptions: it has two handles. The head was found separate, and doesnot belong to this particular vase. I only put it here in order to save it.
Text Appearing After Image:
Chap. VII.) OWL YASES AND COVERS. 343 No. 234 represents another hand-made vase, like No. 227, but it hasbeen so much exposed to the intense heat of the conflagration, that it isdifficult to recognize its original colour.

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.



Время создания 1880
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