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Файл:Horse artillery rear.jpg

Материал из энциклопедии Руниверсалис

Исходный файл (2592 × 1944 пкс, размер файла: 1,5 МБ, MIME-тип: image/jpeg)


Описание изображения

A full-scale display of Swedish horse-drawn artillery from Wendes Artilleriregemente, with an artillery piece that was used up to the mid-19th century, and uniforms from around 1850 (originally in the Army Museum in Stockholm but now in the Artillery Museum in Kristianstad, Sweden).

English translation of the accompanying caption in Swedish:


When the riding artillery advanced on the enemy it could easily be confused with cavalry. A riding battery had a "front" of 52 artillerymen on horseback and moved at a gallop. When the six-horse strong carriages wheeled around and unlimbered [made ready for fire] the cannons, they could be an unpleasant surprise for the enemy. Trials performed in the late 18th century showed that it could be done rapidly: "To take 300 paces, unlimber and fire took only one minute".

The entire gun crew of the riding artillery was on horseback. One on each of the six horses towing one cannon and the rest riding on separate horses. Other types of artillery could not move as fast because some of the crew rode on the gun carriages.

Swedish riding artillery took part in the Pomeranian War 1805-07 and the Napoleonic Wars 1813-14.

Источник Own work
Время создания 2007-07-04
Автор или правообладатель Peter Isotalo — Лицензия: Public domain (в общественном достоянии)

Источник файла — сайт Wikimedia Commons, куда он был загружен под одной из свободных лицензий ( https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Horse_artillery_rear.jpg ). Авторов, работавших над этим файлом см. в истории файла: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Horse_artillery_rear.jpg&action=history

В общем случае в статьях энциклопедии Руниверсалис файлы используются в соответствии со статьёй 1274 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.

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текущий19:15, 23 октября 2023Миниатюра для версии от 19:15, 23 октября 20232592 × 1944 (1,5 МБ)Я, робот (обсуждение | вклад)== Описание == {{Изображение | описание = <p>A full-scale display of Swedish horse-drawn artillery from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendish_Artillery_Regiment Wendes Artilleriregemente], with an artillery piece that was used up to the mid-19th century, and uniforms from around 1850 (originally in the Army Museum in Stockholm but now in the Artillery Museum in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristianstad Kristianstad], Sweden). </p><p>English translation of the accompanying caption in Swed...

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